Anglicanism is the Christian faith that has been believed and practiced throughout the ages; it is the universal and Catholic faith expressed in the context of the English-speaking world. Contrary to popular myth, the Anglican church did not begin with King Henry VIII, although he did separate the church politically from Rome. Its history transcends certain reform movements and schisms.
Anglicans believe in the authority of Scripture as the standard above all standards, which is understood and applied by the Church throughout the ages. Anglicanism believes in apostolic authority that goes back to the time of Christ and his apostles; it adheres to the Catholic principle of being governed by bishops, priests, and deacons. Within Anglicanism, there are seven sacraments, while we maintain that the primary means of God’s grace exists in holy baptism and in the holy Eucharist. Prayer shapes our belief and worship.
Anglicanism seeks to “worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness” (Psalm 96:9), and our worship is traditional, reverent, and centered around Christ. We use the 1928 Book of Common Prayer as the foundation for our liturgy. Joining our voices with those of Christians throughout the centuries and all over the world, we sing traditional hymns with an organ or piano accompaniment. Though not everyone chooses to or is able to kneel, traditionally we kneel to pray, stand to sing and hear the Gospel, and sit to listen to God’s Word proclaimed. You can follow the service either in the Book of Common Prayer or in the liturgy booklet, both of which can be found in the hymn racks in each pew. For more information on Anglican worship, click here.
We invite to the Eucharist all believers who have been baptized in the name of the Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Children who have been baptized are welcome to take communion at the discretion of the Priest. Please speak with one of our priests if you have any questions.
The usher will indicate when it is time for your row to proceed to the front. Kneel or stand as you are able at the next available place, filling in the altar rail from the right side to the left. There are different ways to receive the bread and the wine. You may hold up your hands to receive the host and then consume it, taking care not to handle it with your fingers. You may also open your mouth for the priest to place the host directly on your tongue. When the priest distributes the wine, guide the chalice to your mouth with your hand in order to assist him. You may also leave the host in your hand instead of consuming it immediately; the priest will dip it in the wine and then place it on your tongue. After receiving the bread and wine, it is traditional to cross yourself and bow before leaving the rail. Return to your seat via the side aisles.
Those who would like a blessing instead of receiving communion are welcome to the altar as well. Follow the directions above, but instead of receiving the host, cross your arms over your chest. The priest will give a blessing instead of the host. After receiving the blessing, you may go to the side aisle and return to your seat.