The Altar Guild sets up for Holy Eucharist before Mass on Sunday and/or Wednesday and helps clean up afterwards. Please contact Sarah Hayes if you are interested in joining the Altar Guild.
The food pantry team works at the Interfaith Food Pantry when it’s St. Philip’s turn — every fifth Friday — and brings non-perishable food to donate throughout the year. Please contact Linda Telling if you are interested in helping with the food pantry.
Hospitality volunteers sign up to help with food at special events and receptions. Volunteers can also sign up to bring a light dinner for Life Together on select Wednesday evenings. To sign up for these events please see the sign up sheet on the bulletin board in the back of the church or contact Bridget.
Musical volunteers play special music during the service for the offering and Holy Eucharist, and/or sing in the choir. Please contact Dr. Matt or Robby Lisenby if you are interested in joining the choir.
Pregnancy Resource Center volunteers participate in the fundraising walk and attend PRC events.
Ushers distribute the offering plate during mass and direct people to the altar during Communion.
Greeters welcome worshipers and hand out bulletins before mass.
If you're interested in getting involved in any of these opportunities, please speak with a member of the vestry.
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